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c# mainui drops behind other windows, issue with topmost

I have a problem with topmost level, found a solution that "works" but it don't look so nice. Is there another "cleaner" way to solve this? Here's my code: comments of event in code.

    OrderTemplateView template;
private void toolStripButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (template != null)
            template.Close(); //must close to trigger close event.
        mainUi.TopMost = true; // must set my mainUi topMost here othervise it drops in the background of other windows open at the computer.
        template = new OrderTemplateView(this);
        template.TopMost = true;// must set my dialog topmost othervise it drops behind my mainUi
        template.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;
        mainUi.TopMost = false;//must release my topmost so other windows on the computer can be called to front.
        template.TopMost = false;

Updated code that does the same job:

 private void toolStripButton4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (template != null)
        template = new OrderTemplateView(mainUi);
        template.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterParent;


Rather than setting TopMost, try the following:

  1. Remove all your references to TopMost

  2. Call mainUi.BringToFront()

  3. Call template.ShowDialog(mainUi) , noting that the parent control is passed to the dialog.

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