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Avoiding to add username and password in each command for running MySQL from script

I know I can do some thing like this in script:

mysql -u root -pPassword mydb -e "select * from foo"

In my script I have a sequence of commands which some of them are periodically related to MySQL and others are independent (so I cannot use Here Documents ). It seems it is necessary to add -u root -pPassword part in all commands to avoid getting this error:

 Access denied for user 'user'@'host' (using password: NO)

But is annoying. Is there a way to avoid adding -u root -pPassword part to all commands?

Create a file in your home directory called .my.cnf and add these lines to it:

user = root
password = <yourpassword>

(Obviously where I wrote " <yourpassword> " you would write your actual password.)

Then you can run mysql commands (or some others like mysqldump or mysqladmin) without specifying user or password.

mysql mydb -e "select * from foo"

If you want to use a different file besides $HOME/.my.cnf you can specify it on your command-line.

mysql --defaults-extra-file=myspecial.cnf mydb -e "select * from foo"

Be careful to change the permissions on that file so it can't be read by other people:

chmod 600 $HOME/.my.cnf

Read more about using option files: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/option-files.html

You can use login-paths via mysql_config_editor command :

$> mysql_config_editor set --login-path=local --host=localhost --user=myuser --password
Enter password: <Password is prompted to be inserted in a more secure way>

Then login from your scripts as:

mysql --login-path=local --database=mydb

As per linked manual:

The best way to specify server connection information is with your .mylogin.cnf file. Not only is this file encrypted, but any logging of the utility execution will not expose the connection information. Thus, no user names, passwords, ports, etc. are visible in the log. This is the preferred method for using MySQL Utilities to connect to servers.

You could just create a wrapper shell script or an alias like this:

mysql aliased to /path/to/mysql -u root -pPassword mydb

Here is the alias command:

$alias mysql="/path/to/mysql -u root -pPassword mydb"

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