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How do I send my request body as text using $http.post?

Also using npm's body-parser, how could I send the data in


so that when I receive it with

  var body_better_be_a_string = typeof req.body;

req.body should be a string type. Have tried but req.body always comes back as [object Object], need req.body to be a string.

JSON.stringify(req.body); will give you a string The reson being is im guessing the req.body is a json object and when the [object Object] appears you are trying the view it. If you use JSON.stringify it will be parsed to string

The Express docs specify that the data sent in req.body is a list of key value pairs, so if, for example, you are sending 'application/json' you could use JSON.stringify(req.body) to ensure that it is of type string for further manipulations: http://expressjs.com/en/api.html#req.body

Additionally, it might help if you updated your questions with the reason "why" you need it to be a string. Is there some manipulation you are trying to implement that isn't working?

Also, you could include the other parts of your Node script that use the body-parser since those may be relevant to the answer.

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