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Is it possible to define a c++ wrapper function for a macro with variadic parameters?

I'd like to come up with a c++ wrapper function that fully wraps the TraceLoggingWrite macro. TraceLoggingWrite is a macro with variadic parameters. I attempted the following code snippet, but it would encounter compilation errors because it seems like the syntax requires the wrapped function to accept a va_list parameter. If so, is there another way to accomplish this?

void WrapperFunction(String Name, ...)
    va_list args;
    va_start(args, Name);
                      TraceLoggingInt32(32, "Test"),

You may consider using parameter pack :

template<typename... Ts>
void WrapperFunction(String Name, Ts... args)
        TraceLoggingInt32(32, "Test"),

However because TraceLoggingWrite is a variadic macro , there might be cases where parameter packs do not work. An alternative would be to create another macro, also variadic, something like this:

#define WrapperMacro(eventName, ...) TraceLoggingWrite(gProvider, eventName, __VA_ARGS__)

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