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Return a SQL Query into a shell script from oracle 11g?

I'm writing a script that allows a user to select an option from a menu (which is done), and return from database which is stored in oracle11g.

  read -p "Press [Enter Key To Continue]"

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib
sqlplus64 '******@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=oracle.***********)(Port=****))(CONNECT_DATA=(*******)))'

show_menu() {
  echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  echo " M A I N - M E N U"
  echo "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"
  echo "1. Connect to Database"
  echo "2. Query Table"
  echo "3. Exit"
  echo "_____________________"


one() {

I'm using astericks in the code snippet to save some of the personal information. My question is, how would I go about, for example, having the user select 2, and making the database return, for example


Directly back to command line? Is this far more difficult than I think? The connect() function allows me to log into the database server, but I need to manually enter my password and then I'm logged into oracle until I close the script.

You can execute it as below in shell

OUTPUT=/path/to/sqlplus64 user/password\@sid << EOF
select * from table;

echo $OUTPUT;

You can replace the query with what you get from user.

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