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Count consecutive row occurrences

I have a MySQL table with three columns: takenOn (datetime - primary key) , sleepDay (date) , and type (int) . This table contains my sleep data from when I go to bed to when I get up (at a minute interval).

As an example, if I go to bed on Oct 29th at 11:00pm and get up on Oct 30th at 6:00am, I will have 420 records (7 hours * 60 minutes). takenOn will range from 2016-10-29 23:00:00 to 2016-10-30 06:00:00 . sleepDay will be 2016-10-30 for all 420 records. type is the "quality" of my sleep (1=asleep, 2=restless, 3=awake). I'm trying to get how many times I was restless/awake, which can be calculated by counting how many times I see type=2 (or type=3) consecutively .

So far, I have to following query, which works for one day only. Is this the correct/"efficient" way of doing this (as this method requires that I have the data without any "gaps" in takenOn )? Also, how can I expand it to calculate for all possible sleepDays ?

    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TimesRestless,
    SUM(CASE WHEN type = 3 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS TimesAwake
    (SELECT s1.sleepDay, s1.type
    FROM sleep s1
    LEFT JOIN sleep s2
        ON s2.takenOn = ADDTIME(s1.takenOn, '00:01:00')
        (s2.type <> s1.type OR s2.takenOn IS NULL)
        AND s1.sleepDay = '2016-10-30'
    ORDER BY s1.takenOn) a

I have created an SQL Fiddle - http://sqlfiddle.com/#!9/b33b4/3

Thank you!

Your own solution is quite alright, given the assumptions you are aware of.

I present here an alternative solution, that will deal well with gaps in the series, and can be used for more than one day at a time.

The downside is that it relies more heavily on non-standard MySql features (inline use of variables):

select sleepDay,
       sum(type = 2) TimesRestless,
       sum(type = 3) TimesAwake
from (
     select @lagDay as lagDay, 
            @lagType as lagType,
            @lagDay := sleepDay as sleepDay,
            @lagType := type as type
     from   (select * from sleep order by takenOn) s1,
            (select @lagDay := '', 
                    @lagType := '') init
     ) s2
where   lagDay <> sleepDay  
     or lagType <> type
group by sleepDay

To see how it works it can help to select the second select statement on its own. The inner-most select must have the order by clause to make sure the middle query will process the records in that order, which is important for the variable assignments that happen there.

See your updated SQL fiddle .

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