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ATLGetDacl accessing 64bit reg keys from a 32bit process

I am trying to get DACL information of a 64bit registry key from a 32bit process.

AtlGetDacl("Machine\Software\Somekey", SE_REGISTRY_KEY, &dacl)

This redirects to "Machine\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\Somekey" , since I am running a 32bit process.

What I need is something like the samDesired flag which is available in Windows Registry functions (like RegOpenKeyEx), do you know if ATL has such a thing and how I can pass that to ATLGetDacl and ATLSetDacl?


Another overload of AtlGetDacl can take a registry key as an argument.

inline bool AtlGetDacl(
    _In_ HANDLE hObject,
    _In_ SE_OBJECT_TYPE ObjectType,
    _Inout_ CDacl *pDacl) throw(...)

You can use it for a key you already know how to open with RegOpenKeyEx .

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