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How do I accept user input with a instance variable of another class?

I have an assignment for college in which we must serialize a subclass called Current . we must ask a user to enter details for a new Current account so it can be serialized.

I have a class hierarchy built up with the Account class being the super class. It should be possible to add, view , list, edit and delete Current objects. We can't ask the user to add their account number as that is done via a static variable. eg: **accountNo** = **nextAvailableNumber++** ;

I have to take in the users name and dateOpened details and I have already written a Name class but the Name class has a variable of type Name called name so i cant use it as a String in the subclass. It is giving me a mismatch exception, cannot convert String to Name and mismatch exception, cannot convert from int to Date for dateOpened .

My question then is. If I have to take user input. should i be using the name variable of Type Name in the Name class to take input and should i be doing the same with the **dateOpened** variable of type Date ? Should i be casting. Here is my code, its a menu based system that allows a user to set up an account.

// Name class with name variable of type Name && Date variable **dateOpened** of type Date.

package ie.lyit.bank;

public abstract class Account
    protected Name name;        // COMPOSITION - Account HAS-A name (object of class Name)
    protected String address;   
    protected double balance;
    protected Date dateOpened;  // COMPOSITION - Account HAS-A dateOpened (object of class Date)
    protected int accountNo;

    private static int nextUniqueNumber = 1;    // Next available unique Account number 

    // Default Constructor - set Instance Variables to null
    public Account()
        name = new Name();      
        address= new String();  // OR address = ""; OR address = null;
        balance = 0.0;      
        dateOpened = new Date();
        // Set accountNo to static nextUniqueNumber & increment it for next accountNo
        accountNo = nextUniqueNumber++; 

    // Current class with read() method
    // Read method to read in the account details from the user

    public void read()
        Scanner keyboardIn = new Scanner(System.in);        
        System.out.println("ENTER ACCOUNT DETAILS ==>");
        System.out.print("ACCOUNT NAME : ");
        name = keyboardIn.nextLine();
        System.out.print("ACCOUNT ADDRESS : ");
        address = keyboardIn.nextLine();
        System.out.print("ACCOUNT BALANCE : ");
        balance = keyboardIn.nextDouble();
        System.out.print("ACCOUNT DATE OPENED : ");
        dateOpened = keyboardIn.nextInt();

You dont need to use Name type, You can simply declare it as String and access it as class variable.

If you have a derived class say xyz who needs to access name variable of superclass say Account.

You can access it like Account.Name saying you have defined it as below.

class Account
 protected String Name;


class xyz extends Account
// here u can access using Account.Name; 

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