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Python can't find a module, that is imported in another module

I have a project structure like this:

│   main.py
│       resolving.py
│       resolving_methods.py
│       __init__.py
    │   converter.py
    │   __init__.py

I'm tried to import to main.py class from func.converter and all classes from equations.resolving_methods

from func.converter import func_converter
from equations.resolving_methods import *

In this files (converter and resolving_methods) I have this lines of code:


with open('templates/new_func.py', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as new_f:

from templates.new_func import my_func


from resolving import resolving

And python give following error:

ImportError: No module named 'resolving'

But, when I try to run this files separately, code works without any errors

You are using absolute imports. Absolute imports only find top-level modules , while you are trying to import names that are nested inside packages.

You'll either need to specify the full package path, or use a package-relative reference, using . :

# absolute reference with package
from equations.resolving import resolving

# package relative import
from .resolving import resolving

See the Intra-package References section of the Python tutorial.

Your converter.py module has the additional issue of trying to open a file with a relative path. The path 'templates/new_func.py' will be resolved against whatever the current working directory is going to be, which could be anywhere on the computer. Use absolute paths, based on the module __file__ parameter:

import os.path

HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
with open(os.path.join(HERE, 'new_func.py'), 'w', encoding='utf-8') as new_f:

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