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setting data with Vue.js

Sorry for my begginner question, but I'm stucked since yesterday on a basic problem which i cannot figure out the solution.

I want to fill my variable logs with some json object and render it in an array.

Here is my html :


  <tr v-for="log in logs">


and here is my JS

let vm = new Vue({
    el: '#container',
    components: {
        'table-header': tableHeader,
    data: {
        logs: []
    methods: {
        getLogs() {
            addon.port.on('log', function (data) {


  1. The ready does not seems to work. Why?
  2. The this.logs is undefined? Why?
  3. It complains that the "this.$add is not a function"
  4. In the html the logs are never populated in the loop. why?
  1. Your ready should not be an object, it should be a function

2&3&4. Inside an anonymous function, this refers to something else. Use an arrow function to keep the scope of this , or store a reference to this

 let vm = new Vue({ el: '#container', components: { 'table-header': tableHeader, }, data: { logs: [] }, methods: { getLogs() { addon.port.on('log', (data) => { console.log(data); this.$add('logs',data) }); } }, ready() { this.getLogs() } }); 

 //OR do this getLogs() { var that = this; addon.port.on('log', function(data) { console.log(data); that.$add('logs',data) }); } 

I don't know if your example is valid and I can't test it at the moment but I am used to the syntax like so:

ready: function(){

Same goes for your methods. Maybe check the documentation and apply the syntax like given there to begin with.


You can also use mounted , something like:

mounted () {

Documentation .

data must be a function for a Vue component, but for a Vue instance it should be fine..

So for a Vue component, it should have data like following:

data: function () {
  return {
    logs : []

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