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bash grep regex from start of the string to variable

I have a file with following strings and need to assign path to folder with digits into variable:


Eg I need to assign in variable: /tmp/gfh/000000004802803/

Digits and path always different. As a first step I've assigned into variable folder with digits using regex:

zip_folder_name0=$(grep -E -o "/([0]{5}[0-9]{10})/" <<< $zip_path)
echo $zip_folder_name

Which return 000000004802803 How to assign into another variable all path to folder from the root ? I think it can be done by regex, from the start of the string to variable $zip_folder_name. Is this possile? Or maybe there is another way?

UPD1 Just forgot to mention, that after folder with digits can be another folder, eg /tmp/gfh/000000004802803/blablabla/EngID_Consolidation.zip And I need exactly /tmp/gfh/000000004802803/ into variable.

while read line; do        
   dir=$(grep -oE .*/[0-9]+/ <<< $line|tr -d / )
   echo dir=$dir num=$num 
done < zips.txt 

> dir=/tmp/gfh/000000004802803/
> dir=/tmp/vcbn/000000005395825/
> dir=/tmp/one3/435876dfhg/000000004017051/
> dir=/tmp/one3/dsfkgjh/dsjfhgfd/000000004617319/

Following is a script that will take an input parameter into $IN_STR and will spit out the string you require**







grep -P : Perl expression
-o : only matching
.* : Repeat everything
(?=) : Query string
[0-9] : any number
{15} : 15 chars

**From comments, the requirement was like: Path up until the folder name containing exactly 15 digits, including the name of that folder itself.

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