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java locale tags to locale displayname

I am trying to convert the locale tags (see picture) to display names. For instance, instead of en-us I would like to display English (USA). So far I have managed to get a mixture of display names and language tags as in the picture:

device system languages screen picture

I have tried many thing such as using forLanguageTag, getDisplayLanguage + getDisplayCountry but nothing works.

This is my code snippet:

    public void getAvailableLocales() {
    systemLanguages = Resources.getSystem().getAssets().getLocales();
    for (int i = 0; i < systemLanguages.length; i++) {
        String sL = systemLanguages[i];
        Locale loc = new Locale(sL);
        String locDisplayResults = loc.getDisplayLanguage();
        languagesList.add(new Languages(locDisplayResults));

The idea is to display all languages available on a given device. Any help would be gratefully received.

Edit: Testing shows that Resources.getSystem().getAssets().getLocales() does indeed give the languages available for each given device. However, getDisplayLanguage only works for two letter tags, and not for two letters-dash-two letters (eg. ar-eg). Any more ideas?


Locale[] availableLocales = Locale.getAvailableLocales();

for(Locale locale : availableLocales){
    Log.d("Locale", locale.getDisplayName());

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