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MAWK: Store match() in variable

I try to use MAWK where the match() built-in function doesn't have a third value for variable:

match($1, /9f7fde/) {
  substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH);

See doc .

How can I store this output into a variable named var when later I want to construct my output like this?

EDIT2 - Complete example:

Input file structure:

<iframe src="https://vimeo.com/191081157" frameborder="0" height="481" width="608" scrolling="no"></iframe>|Random title|Uploader|fun|tag1,tag2,tag3
<iframe src="https://vimeo.com/212192268" frameborder="0" height="481" width="608" scrolling="no"></iframe>|Random title|Uploader|fun|tag1,tag2,tag3


  Embed = $1;
  Title = $2;
  User = $3;
  Categories = $4;
  Tags = $5;


# Regexp without pattern matching for testing purposes
match(Embed, /191081157/) {
  Id = substr(Embed, RSTART, RLENGTH);

  print Id"\t"Title"\t"User"\t"Categories"\t"Tags;

Expected output:

191081157|Random title|Uploader|fun|tag1,tag2,tag3

I want to call the Id variable outside the match() function.

MAWK version:

mawk 1.3.4 20160930
Copyright 2008-2015,2016, Thomas E. Dickey
Copyright 1991-1996,2014, Michael D. Brennan

random-funcs:       srandom/random
regex-funcs:        internal
compiled limits:
sprintf buffer      8192
maximum-integer     2147483647

The obvious answer would seem to be

match($1, /9f7fde/) { var = "9f7fde"; }

But more general would be:

match($1, /9f7fde/) { var = substr($1, RSTART, RLENGTH); }

let's say this line

.....vimeo.com/191081157" frameborder="0" height="481" width="608" scrolling="no">Random title|Uploader|fun|tag1,tag2,tag3

{mawk/mawk2/gawk} 'BEGIN { OFS = "";

         FS = "(^.+vimeo[\056]com[\057]|[\042] frameborder.+[\057]iframe[>])" ; 
     } (NF < 4) || ($2 !~ /191081157/) { next } ( $1 = $1 )'

\\056 is the dot ( . ) \\057 is forward slash ( / ) and \\042 is double straight quote ( " )

if it can't even match at all, move onto next row. otherwise, use the power of the field separator to gobble away all the unneeded parts of the line. The $1 = $1 will collect the prefix and the rest of the HTML tags you don't need.

The assignment operation of $1 = $1 will also return true, providing the input for boolean evaluation for it to print. This way, you don't need either match( ) or substr( ) at all.

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