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How to run vim terminal with QProcess

I want to do the "vim" command, The "vim" command is used to open a new editor in linux. "setup.csh" open file "vi" editör with QProcess. I would like to run this command using gui.

linux terminal command:"vim /home/intern2/elif/Project/setup.csh" .How can I run this command gui

I wrote the following commands in Qt, but it did not work using QProcess.

QProcess *process1=new QProcess(this);
process1->start("vim" , QStringList() <<"/home/intern2/elif/Project/setup.csh");

Unfortunately, I gave the following error message

Error Message:

Warning: Output is not a terminal
Warning: Input is not from a terminal

I got it working with this:

QProcess* process = new QProcess();
qint64* processId = new qint64();
process->startDetached("/usr/bin/vim", QStringList(), QString(), processId);

// Wait for process to be closed by user (kill()
// does not actually kill the process, but tests if it exists)
while (kill(*processId, 0) == 0) {}

// Done
delete processId;
delete process;

Don't forget to add #include <signal.h> for the kill() function.

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