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How to remove or hide a key-value pair of an array in AngularJS

I have a collection of objects in an array like this:

    "NAME": "John Doe",
    "AGE": 25,
    "CITY": "New York",
    "COUNTRY": "USA",
    "GROUP_ID": 1,
    "ACTIVE": 1
    "NAME": "Peter Parker",
    "AGE": 44,
    "CITY": "Los Angeles",
    "COUNTRY": "USA",
    "GROUP_ID": 2,
    "ACTIVE": 1

In my view I only want to display Name, Age, City and Country. Well, my question is how can I remove GROUP_ID and ACTIVE in every object of my collection? I was looking for a solution and found .slice() but I don't know exactly whether is it the right one and how to use this javascript function for each object in an array.

EDIT: For more clarification. My view is defined like below:

<md-list-item ng-repeat="cItems in ::contentItems track by $index">
   <span ng-repeat="(key, value) in cItems track by $index" flex="auto">
      {{ ::value }}

You can use the following lines:

contentItems.forEach(function (entry) {
  delete entry['GROUP_ID'];
  delete entry['ACTIVE'];

Assuming your array is a variable named array :

for ( var i=0,l=array.length; i<l; i++ ) {
  delete array[i]['GROUP_ID'];
  delete array[i]['ACTIVE'];

if you're using ES6 you could also do:

for ( let item of array ) {
  delete item['GROUP_ID'];
  delete item['ACTIVE'];

As mentioned in comments there is no need to delete the keys. You can simple avoid displaying them.

Still if deleting is objective then use delete method



You can simply remove properties of an object by using delete . I've added an array of properties to delete but you could delete them directly.

 var data = [ { "NAME": "John Doe", "AGE": 25, "CITY": "New York", "COUNTRY": "USA", "GROUP_ID": 1, "ACTIVE": 1 }, { "NAME": "Peter Parker", "AGE": 44, "CITY": "Los Angeles", "COUNTRY": "USA", "GROUP_ID": 2, "ACTIVE": 1 } ]; var propertiesRemove = ['GROUP_ID', 'ACTIVE'] data.forEach(function(item){ propertiesRemove.forEach(function(prop){ delete item[prop]; }); }); console.log(data); 

If you don't want to change your data and it's just a display issue you could render only the properties you want.

<md-list-item ng-repeat="cItems in ::contentItems track by $index">
   <span flex="auto">{{cItems.NAME}}</span>
   <span flex="auto">{{cItems.AGE}}</span>
   <span flex="auto">{{cItems.CITY}}</span>
   <span flex="auto">{{cItems.COUNTRY}}</span>

Actually to display required information in angular we don't need to remove other elements from array in template we can go with limited information.


var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
  $scope.records = [
    "NAME": "John Doe",
    "AGE": 25,
    "CITY": "New York",
    "COUNTRY": "USA",
    "GROUP_ID": 1,
    "ACTIVE": 1
    "NAME": "Peter Parker",
    "AGE": 44,
    "CITY": "Los Angeles",
    "COUNTRY": "USA",
    "GROUP_ID": 2,
    "ACTIVE": 1

Angular Template

<body ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="myCtrl">
<ul ng-repeat="record in records">

But as you are asking following procedure will answer your question.

var app = angular.module("myApp", []);
app.controller("myCtrl", function($scope) {
  $data = [
    "NAME": "John Doe",
    "AGE": 25,
    "CITY": "New York",
    "COUNTRY": "USA",
    "GROUP_ID": 1,
    "ACTIVE": 1
    "NAME": "Peter Parker",
    "AGE": 44,
    "CITY": "Los Angeles",
    "COUNTRY": "USA",
    "GROUP_ID": 2,
    "ACTIVE": 1
$scope.records = $data.map(function(item){

return item; 

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