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Creating a 32 bit ALU in Structural Verilog and I'm not quite sure how to implement opcodes

I have to create a 32 bit ALU in structural verilog with opcodes for AND(000), OR(001), ADD(010), SUB(110), SLT(111), and BEQ(100). I understand how each of these work individually at the gate level I'm just confused on how to use opcodes to get my desired output. For example if it was a high level language I would write something like if opcode == 100 {output = branch}. I apologize if this is a dumb question I'm just new to verilog and many of the answers online either use behavioral verilog or are very confusing.


You can use the same technique you described in Verilog... to use if statements, they have to be in an always block, like so:

always @ (*) begin
  if (operation == 3'b000) begin
    alu_result = and_result;
  end else if (operation == 3'b001) begin
    alu_result = or_result;
  end else if (operation == 3'b010) begin
    alu_result = add_result;
  // ...repeat this pattern for the other operations except BEQ...
  end else begin
    alu_result = beq_result;

In this example, the *_result wires are the resulting values from the individual operations. The code will synthesise to a multiplexer that selects between the individual result values (dependent on the operation ) and drives the alu_result which is the final ALU output.

Instead of using if statements, for this application it is probably better to use case like in the following:

always @ (*) begin
  case (operation)
    3'b000: alu_result = and_result;
    3'b001: alu_result = or_result;
    3'b010: alu_result = add_result;
    // ...repeat this pattern for the other operations except BEQ...
    default: alu_result = beq_result;

As you can see, this is a bit more compact and easy to read. If written correctly, both variants should lead to exactly the same multiplexer logic. Note that in both variants, the alu_result needs to be of type reg [31:0] because we're assigning within a always blocks, but there is a way to use wire if you prefer:

alu_result = operation == 3'b000 ? and_result
           : operation == 3'b001 ? or_result
           : operation == 3'b010 ? add_result
           // ...repeat this pattern for the other operations except BEQ...
           : beq_result;


The OP indicated that he needs a bit-level, structural multiplexer code.

A very simple multiplexer can be created out of AND, OR and NOT gates. For example, a 2-way multiplexer could be created as follows:


In this example, select determines which one of the signal_a and signal_b gets through to the final output selected_result .

You can use the same pattern for more than one select bit (hint: you need three) by eg stacking multiple multiplexers in series.

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