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Python csv write a list to file

I am writing a script to write a list with tab separated as below to a csv file. But i am not getting proper output on this.

out_l = ['host\tuptime\tnfsserver\tnfs status\n', 'node1\t2\tnfs_host\tok\n', 'node2\t100\tnfs_host\tna\n', 'node3\t59\tnfs_host\tok\n']


out_f = open('test.csv', 'w')
w = csv.writer(out_f)

for l in out_l:

The output csv file reads as below.

h,o,s,t,    ,s,s,h, , , , , ,s,u,d,o,_,h,o,s,t, , , , , , , ,n,f,s,"
"1,9,2,.,1,6,8,.,1,2,2,.,2,0,1, ,o,k,   ,n,f,s,h,o,s,t, ,o,k,"
"1,9,2,.,1,6,8,.,1,2,2,.,2,0,2, ,f,a,i,l,e,d,   ,n,a,   ,n,a,"
"1,9,2,.,1,6,8,.,1,2,2,.,2,0,3, ,o,k,   ,n,f,s,h,o,s,t, ,s,h,o,w,m,o,u,n,t, ,f,a,i,l,e,d,"


Also I have checked the csv.writer option like delimiter, dialect=excel, but no luck. Can some one help to format the output?

With the formatting you have in out_l , you can just write it to a file:

out_l = ['host\tuptime\tnfsserver\tnfs status\n', 'node1\t2\tnfs_host\tok\n', 'node2\t100\tnfs_host\tna\n', 'node3\t59\tnfs_host\tok\n']

with open('test.csv', 'w') as out_f:
    for l in out_l:

To properly use csv , out_l should just be lists of the columns and let the csv module do the formatting with tabs and newlines:

import csv

out_l = [['host','uptime','nfsserver','nfs status'],

#with open('test.csv', 'wb') as out_f:           # Python 2
with open('test.csv', 'w', newline='') as out_f: # Python 3
    w = csv.writer(out_f, delimiter='\t')        # override for tab delimiter
    w.writerows(out_l)                           # writerows (plural) doesn't need for loop

Note that with will automatically close the file.

See the csv documentation for the correct way to open a file for use with csv.reader or csv.writer .

The csv.Writer.writerow method takes an iterable and writes the values said iterable produces into the csv fields separated by the specified delimeter:

out_f = open('test.csv', 'w')
w = csv.writer(out_f, delimiter='\t')  # set tab as delimiter

for l in out_l:  # l is string (iterable of chars!)
    w.writerow(l.split('\t'))  # split to get the correct tokens

As the strings in your list already contain the necessary tabs, you could just write them directly to the file, no csv tools needed. If you have built/joined the strings in out_l manually, you can omit that step and just pass the original data structure to writerow .

The delimiter parameter

The delimiter parameter controls the delimiter in the output . It has nothing to do with the input out_l .

Why your output is garbled

csv.writer.writerow iterates the input. In your case you are giving it a string ( host\\tuptime\\tnfsserver\\tnfs status\\n' , etc.), therefore the function iterates the string, giving you a sequence of chars.

How to produce the correct output

Give it a list of fields instead of the full string by using str.split() . In your case the string ends with \\n , so use str.strip() as well:

import csv

out_l = ['host\tuptime\tnfsserver\tnfs status\n',
out_f = open('test.csv', 'w')
w = csv.writer(out_f)
for l in out_l:

This should be what you want:

host,uptime,nfsserver,nfs status

Reference: https://docs.python.org/3/library/csv.html

Very simple:

with open("test.csv" , 'w') as csv_file:
     writer = csv.writer(csv_file, delemeter='\t')
     for item in out_l:

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