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Rebinding a function pointer in copy constructor

I have a class with a list of function pointers. These function pointers point to a member function of a sub-class, which was bound like this:

functionList.push_back(std::bind(&SubClass::function, this, std::placeholders::_1,    std::placeholders::_2));

Now, when copying the class with functionList, the function pointers still point to the old class. How can I rebind the function pointer to the new class?

Here an example code:

#include <vector>
#include <functional>

class SomeClass


class testClass
    typedef std::function<void(const SomeClass& var1, const SomeClass& var2)> transitionFunction;

    testClass(const testClass&s)
        for(transitionFunction func : s.functionList)
            // how to rebind the function pointer to the new this?

    std::vector<transitionFunction> functionList;


class SubClass : public testClass
        functionList.push_back(std::bind(&SubClass::function, this, std::placeholders::_1,    std::placeholders::_2));

    void function(const SomeClass& var1, const SomeClass& var2)




You have to copy your subclass. Actually - you just need default initialization in your copy constructor:

class SubClass : public testClass
    SubClass(const SubClass&) : SubClass()

In case, your example is very simplified example, then you need to have own function class with rebind function.


Remember that rebinding is duty of your subclass - so, I'd do something like this:

Your base class should just have default copy (you might not specify this - default is default):

class testClass
    testClass(const testClass&s) = default;

Next step is to implement rebinding in your subclass:

class SubClass : public testClass
    using transitionFunctionRebindable = 
          std::function<void(SubClass*, const SomeClass&, const SomeClass&)>;

    struct FunctionWrapper
        void operator()(const SomeClass& var1, const SomeClass& var2)
            function(thisObject, var1, var2);

        SubClass* thisObject;
        transitionFunctionRebindable function;

    transitionFunction rebind(transitionFunction& function)
        FunctionWrapper* fr = function.target<FunctionWrapper>();
        if (fr)
            return FunctionWrapper{this, fr->function};
            // in case your base class added something out of your control
            return function;

Construction change a little:

        functionList.push_back(FunctionWrapper{this, std::bind(&SubClass::function, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2, std::placeholders::_3)});

Then, copy in your subClass:

    SubClass(const SubClass& source) :  testClass(source)
        for (auto& f: functionList)
            f = rebind(f);

Working demo .

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