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Having trouble displaying errors with Javascript Form Validation

I am using Regex to check my user input and then adding to an empty array called message when an error is found. I am having trouble displaying these errors along the top of the form I am using Regex to check my user input and then adding to an empty array called message when an error is found. I am having trouble displaying these errors along the top of the form

function emailCheck(email) {
    var re = /^[a-zA-Z\d]+\.[a-zA-Z\d]+@mohawkcollege.(?:com|ca|org)$/;
    return re.test(email);

function phoneCheck(phone) {
    var re = /^\b\d{3}[-.]?\d{3}[-.]?\d{4}\b$/;
    return re.test(phone);

function postalCheck(postal){
    var re = /^([a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z])[\s\-]?(\d[a-zA-Z]\d)+$/;
    return re.test(postal);

function streetCheck(street) {
    var re = /^[1-9]{2,3} +[a-zA-Z]+ +(Street|street|road|Road)+$/;
    return re.test(street);

function nameCheck(fname) {
    var re = /^(mr\.|mrs\.|Mr\.|Mrs\.)\s+[a-zA-Z]+\s+[a-zA-Z]+$/;
    return re.test(fname);

function errorCheck() {
    var message = "";
    var email = document.forms["myForm"]["email"].value;
    var phone = document.forms["myForm"]["phone"].value;
    var postal = document.forms["myForm"]["postal"].value;
    var fname = document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value;
    var street = document.forms["myForm"]["street"].value;

    if(phoneCheck(phone)) {
        alert (phone + " is valid");
        message += "Phone invalid";

    if(postalCheck(postal)) {
        alert (postal + " is valid");
    else {
        message += "Postal invalid";

    if (nameCheck(fname)) {
        alert (fname + " is valid");
    else {
        message += "name invalid";

    if (streetCheck(street)) {
        alert (street + " is valid");
    else {
       message += "Street invalid";

    if (emailCheck(email)) {
        alert (email + " is valid");
    else {
        message += "email invalid";
    return false;


here is the HTML

        <p id="errorMessage"></p>
        <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='Lab4.css'>
                <td class="top">
                    <a href=<?PHP echo $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] ?>>&nbsp;Refresh ThisPage&nbsp;</a>
                <td class="top">
                    &nbsp;Show Logfile.txt&nbsp;
                <td class="top">
                    &nbsp;Show Logfile.txt Formatted&nbsp;
                <td class="top">
                    &nbsp;Clear logfile.txt&nbsp;
        <form name="myForm" onsubmit="errorCheck()">
            <table class="body">
                    <td class="column1">
                        Full Name:
                    <td class="column2">
                        <input id="fname" type="text" >
                    <td class="column3">
                        Salution of Mr. and Mrs. followed by two text strings separated by any number of spaces
                    <td class="column1">
                    <td class="column2">
                        <input id="street" type="text" >
                    <td class="column3">
                        2 or 3 digit number followed by a text string ending with Street or Road separated by any number of space
                    <td class="column1">
                    <td class="column2">
                        <input id = "postal" type="text" >
                    <td class="column3">
                        Char Char Digit optional Hyphen or space Char Digit Digit (abclxyz and number 0 not allowed. Case insensitive
                    <td class="column1">
                    <td class="column2">
                        <input id = "phone" type="text" >
                    <td class="column3">
                        10 digits, first 3 digits have optional parentheses, either side of digits 456 are optional space, dot or hyphen
                    <td class="column1">
                    <td class="column2">
                        <input id="email" type="text">
                    <td class="column3">
                        firstname.lastname@mohawkcollege.domain (firstname and lastname must be 4-10 characters in length, domain may be either .com, .ca or .org)
            <input class="submit" type="submit" id="check" value="Submit me now!!!"/>

You are returning from errorCheck() before you set the content of #errorMessage .

I moved the html() call before return and made message an array (as you said) so you can display the messages in a list format.

 function emailCheck(email) { var re = /^[a-zA-Z\\d]+\\.[a-zA-Z\\d]+@mohawkcollege.(?:com|ca|org)$/; return re.test(email); } function phoneCheck(phone) { var re = /^\\b\\d{3}[-.]?\\d{3}[-.]?\\d{4}\\b$/; return re.test(phone); } function postalCheck(postal) { var re = /^([a-zA-Z]\\d[a-zA-Z])[\\s\\-]?(\\d[a-zA-Z]\\d)+$/; return re.test(postal); } function streetCheck(street) { var re = /^[1-9]{2,3} +[a-zA-Z]+ +(Street|street|road|Road)+$/; return re.test(street); } function nameCheck(fname) { var re = /^(mr\\.|mrs\\.|Mr\\.|Mrs\\.)\\s+[a-zA-Z]+\\s+[a-zA-Z]+$/; return re.test(fname); } function errorCheck() { var message = []; var email = document.forms["myForm"]["email"].value; var phone = document.forms["myForm"]["phone"].value; var postal = document.forms["myForm"]["postal"].value; var fname = document.forms["myForm"]["fname"].value; var street = document.forms["myForm"]["street"].value; if (phoneCheck(phone)) { alert(phone + " is valid"); } else { message.push("Phone invalid"); } if (postalCheck(postal)) { alert(postal + " is valid"); } else { message.push("Postal invalid"); } if (nameCheck(fname)) { alert(fname + " is valid"); } else { message.push("name invalid"); } if (streetCheck(street)) { alert(street + " is valid"); } else { message.push("Street invalid"); } if (emailCheck(email)) { alert(email + " is valid"); } else { message.push("email invalid"); } $("#errorMessage").html(`<ul><li>${message.join('</li><li>')}</li></ul>`); return false; } 
 #errorMessage { color: red; } 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <p id="errorMessage"></p> <table> <tr> <td class="top"> </td> <td class="top">&nbsp;Show Logfile.txt&nbsp;</td> <td class="top">&nbsp;Show Logfile.txt Formatted&nbsp;</td> <td class="top">&nbsp;Clear logfile.txt&nbsp;</td> </tr> </table> <form name="myForm"> <table class="body"> <tr> <td class="column1">Full Name:</td> <td class="column2"> <input id="fname" type="text"> </td> <td class="column3">Salution of Mr. and Mrs. followed by two text strings separated by any number of spaces</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="column1">Street:</td> <td class="column2"> <input id="street" type="text"> </td> <td class="column3">2 or 3 digit number followed by a text string ending with Street or Road separated by any number of space</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="column1">PostalCode:</td> <td class="column2"> <input id="postal" type="text"> </td> <td class="column3">Char Char Digit optional Hyphen or space Char Digit Digit (abclxyz and number 0 not allowed. Case insensitive</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="column1">Phone:</td> <td class="column2"> <input id="phone" type="text"> </td> <td class="column3">10 digits, first 3 digits have optional parentheses, either side of digits 456 are optional space, dot or hyphen</td> </tr> <tr> <td class="column1">Email:</td> <td class="column2"> <input id="email" type="text"> </td> <td class="column3">firstname.lastname@mohawkcollege.domain (firstname and lastname must be 4-10 characters in length, domain may be either .com, .ca or .org)</td> </tr> </table> <br> <input class="submit" type="button" onclick="errorCheck()" id="check" value="Submit me now!!!" /> </form> 

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