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XAMPP Apache not running, path issue

I'm having a problem with my XAMPP Control Panel. The Apache won't run, I tried reinstalling it and allowed the Apache and its http.exe in my firewall. And I also tired editing the port Listen and its server localhost name in the Apache(httpd.conf) like what the other sites were suggesting. ( i don't have a Skype too) help.


Click on httpd.conf


and change Listen 80 to Listen 8181 , now you can access it as http://localhost:8181 and here as well ServerName localhost:8181


close your skpype and start it and then start using skype. PS: You can use 80 from skype settings as well if you want to use 80 part with apache

skype might be the issue. Tools ->connection option-> uncheck "use port 80 ...." -> save and restart Skype and try

Ahh you have installed xamppp to C:\\Program Files (x86), right? Have you reinstalled xampp to C:\\xampp and tried?

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