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php : insert into database with ajax

actually working on Ubuntu (working PHP language), I have a PDF file that I convert into text, then I preg_match in order to extract the data I need.

After this, I put my data lines into a drop-down list .

PROBLEM : I want, using Ajax (as far as I understood), to get the selected option and save it into my database .

I've read many topic about this issue, in vain...

Here's a piece of my code, it may be more concret !

My PHP File :

$file = fopen($fichier_txt, 'r+');

if ($file)
    $lines = array();
    $pattern_GC = '/N°.*\d{4}(\s?\s?[\w\s]*)(\d{5})\s?(\w+)\W+/isU';
    $fichier_txt_content = file_get_contents($fichier_txt);
    $regex_GC = preg_match_all($pattern_GC, $fichier_txt_content, $match_GC);
// Match regroupant nom/prenom + adresse
$match_un = explode(PHP_EOL, $match_GC[1][0]);
$match_nom_prenom = $match_un[2];
$match_adresse = $match_un[3];
// Match CP
$match_deux = $match_GC[2][0];
// Match ville
$match_trois = $match_GC[3][0];

$opt = array($match_nom_prenom, $match_adresse, $match_deux, $match_trois);
$i = 0;?>
            <select name="selectBox" class="drop" id="Combobox1" onchange="saveToDatabase(this.value)">
            <?php foreach($opt as $val) {?>
                <option value="$opt[$i]"><?=$val?></option>
            <?php } ?>

My formulaire_2_test.php file :

    // Database connection to save form lines (PDO)
                $PDO = new PDO('mysql:host=localhost;dbname=autofill_data', 'root', 'password');
            catch (Exception $e)
                die('Erreur : ' . $e->getMessage());

        // Get selected option and save into database
            $selectedOpt = $_POST['selected'];
            //exit($selectedOpt); --> I put this line in comments since I don't use it everytime.

            $req = $PDO->prepare("INSERT INTO data_lines(idDistributeur, numLigne, libelle) VALUES(1, 2, :selectedOpt)");
            $req->bindParam(':selectedOpt', $selectedOpt);
            $data = $req->fetchAll();


And now here is my Ajax script (i'm new in JS and I know some enormeous mistakes may pop in front of you, sorry about that, and about my french naming...)

Ajax : (located in my php file)



    function saveToDatabase(selectedValue)
        var select = selectedValue;
        select = $(this).serialize();
        $('#Combobox1').on("change", function ()
            // POST to php script
                type: 'POST',
                url: 'formulaire_2_test.php',



I tested my PDO connection with rough values, and it does work, but I wonder how I could pass my php variable into it (I'm not sure about using $_POST to retrieve this data since I don't refresh any page...) I also tried with INSERT into table VALUES(:name, 2, 3) but it didn't work either... Am I heading in the right direction ? How would you consider doing this ?

PS : My next step after this would be to remove the selected option from the following dropdown lists (in order to save the user some precious minutes as he fills a subscription form).

EDIT Nov 24th : I need my "Fais ton choix" option to appear on my dropdown as a default value, but not in the list options : 自动填充

My last issue : I want to remove the selected option of the dropdown, so it won't appear in another following dropdown. Here's the code I tried (doesn't work) :

function removeSelected(value)
                $('.drop').change('select', function ()
                    // Definition des variables
                    var value = this.value;
                    var id = this.id;
                    //  We del selects with a != id containing options with the same value of the selected one.
                    $("select:not(#" + id + ") option[value='" + value + "']").hide()

I also tried with .remove() instead of .hide() without success !

Thanks in advance,


Stelio Kontos.

You can't directly send information from Javascript to PHP. You have to use some REST API or some HTTP webservice that manages HTTP request and then insert into your database.

You can program a REST API like this and then simply use $_POST['selected'] to retrieve the parameter of the POST request you did with JQuery.

Also, I recommend you to use minAjax

Put the PHP code that follows this comment: // Database connection to save form lines (PDO) into a different file. From your jQuery ajax function, set the url to this new PHP file. Also change data: 'selected=' + select to data: {selected: select} .

Now in your PHP file (the new one) set $selectedOpt = $_POST['selected']; .

The last bit of your PHP code should look this this:

$req = $PDO->prepare("INSERT INTO data_lines(idDistributeur, numLigne, libelle) VALUES(1, 2, :selectedOpt)");
$req->bindParam(':selectedOpt', $selectedOpt);

Edit: javascript fixes

Your JS should be:

$(document).ready(function () {
    $('#Combobox1').on('change', function () {
            method: 'POST',
            url: 'save-selection.php',
            data: {
                // this is a reference to the select box, which means
                // this.value is the value of the select box
                selected: this.value
        }).then(function (data) {

Regarding your updated requirement, you can just add $(this).children(':selected').remove(); under your ajax call. No need for another change listener. However, when a user selected an option, it will instantly remove it so the select box will only ever show the first option. Try it and you will see what I mean.

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