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Inserting a MySQL result-set, retrieved from a select query?

I've got a MySQL database located on server x and another on server y .

I'm trying to get the records from a table called testx which is located on server x, and INSERT them into a table called testy . So what I did was executed a SELECT statement and stored it into a resultset . Then I'm trying to iterate the INSERT statement within the resultset while loop. This is my sample code:

private static void cloneTableAndAlter() throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, InterruptedException {
        Connection connForSource = getConnectionForSource();
        Connection connForTarget = getConnectionForTarget();

        if (connForSource != null && connForTarget != null) {
            try {
                Statement st = connForSource.createStatement(java.sql.ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY,

                String selectStatement = "SELECT field1, field2 FROM dbx.testx where time between ('2016-09-01 00:00:00') and ('2016-09-03 23:59:59');";

                String insertStatement = "INSERT INTO testy(" + "field1," + "field2)" + 
                        "VALUES(?,?) " +
                        "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field1 = VALUES(field1);"; <----field1 is a unique key but not primary


                ResultSet resultSetForSelect = st.executeQuery(selectStatement);
                PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connForTarget.prepareStatement(insertStatement);
                int count = 0;
                while (resultSetForSelect.next()) {
                    TableDetails tableDetails = setTableDetails(resultSetForSelect); <--- i'm getting the value from the resultset and setting it to my DTO class.
                    getTableDetails(preparedStatement, tableDetails); <--- setting the values back during the insert from the DTO
                    System.out.println(count + "rows affected");
            } catch (SQLException e) {

NOTE : The source table( testx ) has more than a million records.

I'm able to do the insertion, but then I feel like the insertion is kinda slow where I'm getting 45-50 insertions per second. Where am I going laggy?

Is there any way that I could optimize this operation and increase the inserts or is this the nature of inserting a large data set?

Any help could be appreciated.

you can do on a other way:

Create a Select with this Concats

    CONCAT(" ('",field1,"','",field2,"')")) as vals
from my_table;

The Result look like this:


mysql> select GROUP_CONCAT(
    -> CONCAT(" ('",field1,"','",field2,"')")) as vals
    -> from my_table;
| vals                                                                                                    |
|  ('O1','AC'), ('O1','PT'), ('O2','PT'), ('O3','MI'), ('O3','PT'), ('O4','EG'), ('O4','PT'), ('O5','PT') |
1 row in set (0,00 sec)


and the you can direct concat this in the insert statement and you only read one row and only write and execute one statement.

your Code

    String selectStatement = "SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(CONCAT(" ('",field1,"','",field2,"')")) as vals
         FROM dbx.testx where time between ('2016-09-01 00:00:00') and ('2016-09-03 23:59:59');";

    ResultSet resultSetForSelect = st.executeQuery(selectStatement);

    String insertStatement = "INSERT INTO testy(" + "field1," + "field2)" + 
                            + String from result +
                            "ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE field1 = VALUES(field1);"; <----field1 is a unique key but not primary

# execute one time

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