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How can I override the column label text on a Pivot Table (Aspose Cells)?

I am using source data that contains values such as "10/1/2015", "11/1/2015" etc.

Understandably, when I add these values as a Column PivotFieldType:

pivotTable.AddFieldToArea(PivotFieldType.Column, MONTHYR_COLUMN);
pivotTable.ColumnHeaderCaption = "Months";

...the values in the columns correspond to those extracted from the raw data ("10/1/2015", "11/1/2015" etc.):


However, rather than that textual representation ("10/1/2015", "11/1/2015" etc.), I want the labels to be "Oct 15", "Nov 15", etc.

How can I accomplish that?

Will I have to change the data before writing it to the data sheet (from "10/1/2015" to "Oct 15", etc.) or is there a way I can interrupt the column-label-writing process on the Pivot Table?


It seems as if the code offered from the answer's link should work; I can loop through it, and the values are right, but nothing changes. This is my code:

// Get "10/1/2015" to display as "Oct 15"
Style columnStyle = new CellsFactory().CreateStyle();
columnStyle.Custom = "mmm yy";
CellArea columnRange = pivotTable.ColumnRange;
for (int c = columnRange.StartColumn; c < columnRange.EndColumn; c++)
    pivotTable.Format(columnRange.StartRow + 1, c, columnStyle);


Even this doesn't do anything - the value of C7 is still "10/1/2015"

Cell cell = pivotTableSheet.Cells["C7"];
cell.PutValue("Oct 15");

您可以使用诸如WorksheetFunction.TEXT(monthPortion & "/01/" & yearPortion , "mmm")公式替换GetMonthAsMMM函数。

I solved the problem by changing the source data from which the Pivot Table is generated, like so:

private void AddPivotData(String ItemCode, String ItemDescription, String Unit, String MonthYear, int Quantity, Decimal TotalPrice, Boolean IsContractItem, Double PercentageOfTotal, Double MonthlyPercentage)
    . . .
    cell = sourceDataSheet.Cells[_lastRowAddedPivotTableData, 3];
    . . .

// Comes in formatted YYYYMM (such as "201510"), returned as MMM YY (such as "Oct 15")
private object ConvertToMMMYY(string MonthYear)
    string yearPortion = MonthYear.Substring(0, 4);
    string monthPortion = MonthYear.Substring(4, 2);
    string yearSansCentury = yearPortion.Substring(2, 2);
    string monthNumAsStr = GetMonthAsMMM(monthPortion);
    return string.Format("{0}{1}", monthNumAsStr, yearSansCentury);

private string GetMonthAsMMM(string monthPortion)
    if (monthPortion == "01") return "Jan";
    if (monthPortion == "02") return "Feb";
    if (monthPortion == "03") return "Mar";
    if (monthPortion == "04") return "Apr";
    if (monthPortion == "05") return "May";
    if (monthPortion == "06") return "Jun";
    if (monthPortion == "07") return "Jul";
    if (monthPortion == "08") return "Aug";
    if (monthPortion == "09") return "Sep";
    if (monthPortion == "10") return "Oct";
    if (monthPortion == "11") return "Nov";
    if (monthPortion == "12") return "Dec";
    return "Unrecognized Month Num";

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