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Problems with UIMA Ruta Plugin - Unhandled event loop exception

Error log

I get Unhandled event loop exception every time after trying to run a new script in the UIMA Ruta Eclipse plugin, when I test a document that were processed before with another descriptor.

The only solution to that, that worked, was to rename the test documents, so they could be processed again. (not handy at all)

The same behaviour was also - when a new rule is defined, probably with some bugs in it (I am just trying out the Ruta for the first time), than all crashes again and it is not possible to work with the plugin until the documents are replaced (renamed).

When I test the same grammar script in Java without Ruta workbench it does its job.

I use UIMA Ruta 2.5.0 and Eclipse Mars.2.

What can I do to make the Workbench function normally?

It seemed to help - the change of preferences as suggested from Peter in comments. But still when I change even a String in grammar I get exceptions and failures in the Workbench and it shows the old results (from previous version of the grammar). Here is the stacktrace:

stacktrace from error log

This is probably caused by a change of type system causing an exception that UIMA wants to deserialize annotation of type that are not defined in the type system.

You can either deactivate the preference "UIMA Cas Editor" -> "Cas Editor Ide" -> "Use the previously selected..." and select a new type system.

Or you can activate the preference "UIMA Cas Editor" -> "Annotation Editor" -> "Load CAS leniently..." in order to ignore these annotations. Please mind that they will be gone if the file is saved.

DISCLAIMER: I am a developer of UIMA Ruta

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