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Cannot connect to Openshift using Intellij [OpenshiftException]

I use the Github login credentials to enter to the Openshift Web Console (Next Gen) but I cannot using Intellij for deploy my application as the only way to login is using a token and the oc commands in the prompt. Is there a way to use my token to deploy using IDEA?

I am not sure about the Idea integration, but if I understand correctly you can provide a token. So why can you not do something like

oc login --token=<your-token> --server=https://api.preview.openshift.com/oapi/v1/users/~

So token you can retrieve from the developer preview website under the help menu.

As far as I'm aware of, there is no integration available between IntelliJ and OpenShift. The easiest form of deployment is a Github webhook which will automatically deploy upon commit. However, you can also easily deploy a local application by using oc new-app /path/to/app/directory , and you can even set up a service to push local webhooks to OpenShift

With IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 there will be an option for this, via "Build, Execution, Deployment > OpenShift":


Related Bugticket: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-176760

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