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How can I tell, in the browser, that my s3 operation has completed and the state of my bucket is consistent?

Using the AWS SDK from typescript (please excuse the code, it's still in development):

In my Angular2 service:

return this.bucket.deleteObject(params).promise();

In my component:

this.uploadService.delete(key).then(/*returns before bucket is consistent, listing its contents still shows the deleted item for a few seconds);

How can I keep my UI consistent with the state of the S3 bucket? Do I have to poll it for a few seconds afterward and show some kind of progress indicator?

Hey had a quick look at how you are accessing the promise. I dont think you need .promise() in the service. Have you tried it like this:

export class TestComponent
    private key = 'something';

    constructor(private uploadService: UploadService)

            .then((err, data) =>
                if (err)
                    console.log(err, err.stack);

export class UploadService
        return this.bucket.deleteObject(params);


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