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Inferred Generic Type on React Component

Typescript is pretty good about inferred generic types. For example, if I write the following code:

class AwesomeClass<T> {
    constructor(public val: T) {
        // ...

    public getVal(): T {
        return this.val;

const inst = new AwesomeClass("Hello World");
const result = inst.getVal();

result is automatically typed to string . Nifty! I'd like to take that a step further with React.

If I make the follow component

interface IProps<T> {
    value: T;
    onClick: (result: T) => void;
interface IState { }

class AwesomeComponent<T> extends React.Component<IProps<T>, IState> {
    // ...

I'd really like it to be inferred that value has to have the same type as the result argument of onClick . Instead when I initialize the component with

    value="Hello World"
    onClick={(v) => { console.log(v); }} />;

I get a compile error error TS2322: Type 'string' is not assignable to type 'T' .

Is it possible to infer the generic type on a React element's props?

I realize that the JSX transpiles to a call to React.createElement (it doesn't directly initialize the class like I do with my AwesomeClass example above) and that this may complicate the process - is that a deal killer? If so, can I explicitly name a generic type using the JSX syntax?

This isn't possible yet, here's an issue about it: Using lookahead to detect generic JSX elements? .

For now what you'll need to do is:

interface IProps<T> {
    value: T;
    onClick: (result: T) => void;
interface IState { }

class AwesomeComponent<T> extends React.Component<IProps<T>, IState> {
    // ...

class ConcreteAwesomeComponent extends AwesomeComponent<string> {}

    value="Hello World"
    onClick={(v) => { console.log(v); }} />;

for using functional component you can use this code

interface IMessagesProps<T> {
  data: T[];
  titleName: keyof T;

const Messages = <T extends Record<keyof T, unknown>>(props: IMessagesProps<T>) => {
  const { data, type, titleName } = props;
  return (
      {data?.length ? (
        data.map((message, index) => {
           return (
            <div key={index}>
              <p >{message[titleName]}</p>
      ) : (

export default Messages;

then you use Messages component like this :

interface IMarketNoticeResponse {
  id: string;
  message: string;

const messagesDisplayList : IMarketNoticeResponse[] = [


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