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How to build URL from multi-dimensional object array with JavaScript?

So the goal is to get a string like this:


So I started to build the object-array multi-dimensional thing and I'm not sure how you'd build the url using the name of the array groups.

    var photoArray   = {},
        islandGroups = ["- Luzon -", " - Visayas -", "-Mindanao-"],
        luzonRegions = ["Bicol Region", "Cagayan Valley", "Calabarzon", "CAR", "Central Luzon", "Ilocos Region", "Mimaropa"],
        bicolProvinces = ["Albay", "Camarines Norte", "Camarines Sur", "Catanduanes", "Masbate", "Sorsogon"],
        albayProvinceTravelDestinations = ["Busay Falls", "Hoyop-Hoyopan Cave", "Lignon Hill", "Malabsay Falls", "Mt Mayon", "Panicuason Hot Spring Resort", "Vera Falls"];
        busayFallsPhotoPattern = ["Cover, Busay_falls_"];
        busayFallsPhotoPatternID1 = [""];
        busayFallsPhotoPatternID2 = ["1", "1_2", "10", "2", "2_2", "3", "3_2", "4", "4_2", "6", "7", "8", "9"];
        baseURL = "somesite.com";
    /* build sub-array */
    var islandGroupsArrayLength = islandGroups.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < islandGroupsArrayLength; i++) {
      photoArray[islandGroups[i]] = {};
    var luzonRegionsLength = luzonRegions.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < luzonRegionsLength; i++) {
      photoArray["- Luzon -"][luzonRegions[i]] = {};
    var bicolProvincesLength = bicolProvinces.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < bicolProvincesLength; i++) {
      photoArray["- Luzon -"]["Bicol Region"][bicolProvinces[i]] = {};
    var albayProvinceTravelDestinationsLength = albayProvinceTravelDestinations.length;
    for (var i = 0; i < albayProvinceTravelDestinations; i++) {
      photoArray["- Luzon -"]["Bicol Region"]["Albay"][i] = {};
    /* build string before converting space to %20% */
    busayFallsPhotoPattern = ["Cover, Busay_falls_"];
        busayFallsPhotoPatternID1 = [""];
        busayFallsPhotoPatternID2 = ["1", "1_2", "10", "2", "2_2", "3", "3_2", "4", "4_2", "6", "7", "8", "9"];
    var busayFallsPhotoPatternLength = busayFallsPhotoPattern.length,
        busayFallsPhotoPatternID2Length = busayFallsPhotoPatternID2.length;
    /* setup photoURLs array */
    photoArray["- Luzon -"]["Bicol Region"]["Albay"]["Busay Falls"] = {};
    photoArray["- Luzon -"]["Bicol Region"]["Albay"]["Busay Falls"]["busayFallsPhotoURLs"] = {};

    photoArray["- Luzon -"]["Bicol Region"]["Albay"]["Busay Falls"]["busayFallsPhotoURLs"][0] = "Cover" + ".jpg";

    console.log(photoArray.[0].[0].[0].[0].[0].[0]); // this doesn't work

Probably obvious, my mind is kind of overwhelmed at the moment

I'm also wondering how to build this more efficiently / use pointers so you don't have a superLongNameLength for example.


I think I know what's wrong, first you don't concatinate with . in JavaScript that's PHP and also I think I have to sequentially append each piece to a string to get the url after turning spaces into %20 but I'm still not sure if this is the best way to do this.

This is closer but still wrong/verbose, I'm getting the last entry which makes sense as they all have the same name.

var islandGroups = ["- Luzon -", "- Visayas -", "-Mindanao"],
    regions     = {
      "- Luzon -" : "Bicol Region", 
      "- Luzon -" : "Cagayan Valley",
      "- Luzon -" : "Calabarzon",
      "- Luzon -" : "CAR",
      "- Luzon -" : "Central Luzon",
      "- Luzon -" : "Ilocos Region",
      "- Luzon -" : "Mimaropa"
    provinces = {
      "Bicol Region" : "Albay",
      "Bicol Region" : "Camarines Norte",
      "Bicol Region" : "Camarines Sur",
      "Bicol Region" : "Catanduanes",
      "Bicol Region" : "Masbate",
      "Bicol Region" : "Sorsogon"
    travelDestinations = {
      "Albay" : "Busay Falls",
      "Albay" : "Hoyop-Hoyopan Cave",
      "Albay" : "Lignon Hill",
      "Albay" : "Malabsay Falls",
      "Albay" : "Mt Mayon",
      "Albay" : "Panicuason Hot Spring Resort",
      "Albay" : "Vera Falls"
    photos = {
      "Busay Falls" : "Cover.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_10.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_2.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_3.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_4.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_5.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_6.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_7.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_8.jpg",
      "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_9.jpg"

    console.log(islandGroups[0]+regions["- Luzon -"]+provinces["Bicol Region"]+travelDestinations["Albay"]+photos["Busay Falls"]);

Yeah so definitely completely wrong there, the keys are the same... so instead of for example:

photos = {
  "Busay Falls" : "Cover.jpg",
  "Busay Falls" : "Busay_falls_10.jpg",
  "Busay Falls" : "etc..."

It should be

photos = {

then you can build the url by going through the indexes of the arrays

like for the photos case here:

photos.busay_falls[0] // becomes Cover.jpg

Since you have n arrays with each having a variable number of items, the best you can do is pick one element of each array recursively as follows:

 const lower = ['a', 'b', 'c'] const upper = ['X', 'Y', 'Z'] const numbers = [1, 2, 3] const all = [lower, upper, numbers] // all = a 2d array // current = the i-th array of `all` we're currently operating on // result = the concatenated string function combination(all, current = 0, result = '') { if (current == all.length) { console.log(result) return } for (let i = 0; i < all[current].length; i += 1) { // concatenate a new string from the i-th array combination(all, current + 1, result + all[current][i] + '/') } } combination(all) 

Applying the algorithm above to your strings requires some modifications:

  • the base url should be the first array
  • the result should be encoded

 const baseURL = ["somesite.com"]; const islandGroups = ["- Luzon -", " - Visayas -", "-Mindanao-"]; const luzonRegions = ["Bicol Region", "Cagayan Valley", "Calabarzon", "CAR", "Central Luzon", "Ilocos Region", "Mimaropa"]; const bicolProvinces = ["Albay", "Camarines Norte", "Camarines Sur", "Catanduanes", "Masbate", "Sorsogon"]; const albayProvinceTravelDestinations = ["Busay Falls", "Hoyop-Hoyopan Cave", "Lignon Hill", "Malabsay Falls", "Mt Mayon", "Panicuason Hot Spring Resort", "Vera Falls"]; const busayFallsPhotoPattern = ["Cover", "Busay_falls_"]; const busayFallsPhotoPatternID2 = ["1", "1_2", "10", "2", "2_2", "3", "3_2", "4", "4_2", "6", "7", "8", "9"]; // all = a 2d array // current = the i-th array of `all` we're currently operating on // result = the concatenated string function combination(all, current = 0, result = '') { if (current == all.length) { // add extension console.log(result + '.jpg') return } for (let i = 0; i < all[current].length; i += 1) { // concatenate a new string from the i-th array let newString = encodeURI(result + all[current][i]) // empty string shouldn't have / // when current >= all.length - 2 we shouldn't add / if (all[current][i] && current < all.length - 2) { newString += '/' } combination(all, current + 1, newString) } } combination([ baseURL, islandGroups, luzonRegions, bicolProvinces, albayProvinceTravelDestinations, busayFallsPhotoPattern, busayFallsPhotoPatternID2 ]) 

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