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lambda expression join multiple tables ASP.NET MVC 5

How can I transform this SQL into a lambda expression?

SELECT datename(month,eve.EVNfechainicio) AS mes,
       count(eve.EVNid_evento) AS 'Cantidad de Eventos'
FROM pubEVNtEvento AS eve
INNER JOIN pubEMPtEmpresa AS emp ON eve.EMPid_empresa= emp.EMPid_empresa
WHERE emp.EMPnombre='TecnoEventos'
  AND year(eve.EVNfechainicio)= '2016'
GROUP BY datename(month,eve.EVNfechainicio)

I think the lambda Expression should be for the above sql query is

db.pubEVNtEvento.Include(i=> i.pubEMPtEmpresa )
        .Where(r => r.pubEMPtEmpresa.EMPnombre=='TecnoEventos' &&
    r.EVNfechainicio=='2016').GroupBy(p=> p.EVNfechainicio).ToList();

Here db is the instance of your Entity framework DbContext

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