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Google Groups public email

I'm setting up a group in my company GSuite account. I want the Email-address of the group:

  • to be public (ie Info@ ...) so anybody can send email to it
  • I want all members to get the mail
  • I want that any member can answer the mail
  • and that by default the answer will be sent to the whole group and to the public email it came from.

I've succeeded with all but the last point. I can set it so the answer goes to the whle group, or to the external address, but I want both (why?: So all in the group know that that email has been taken care of). Is that possible?

As i could see the request you have made up is possible.

First 3 are very easy and basic requirement which is common in all big organizations. Make sure you have Paid Subscription to gsuite as under Legacy/Grandfathered/Free/Standard account the feature isn't included. For the last issue state the Solution is as follows

  • Login to Gsuite Admin
  • Click on Group on Dashboard
  • Select the Group you would like add the role to
  • Click on Access Settings
  • Once the page is load click On Settings then Under submenu click Email options
  • Find option called "Post replies" and select "To Entire Group"

After doing this when some other member of the group replies to an email it will send to entire group and to the sender is already under the reply algorithm.

Please let me know if need any other assistance. For better understandings i have attached an screenshot.


Hope this helps!

2021 - now you can find this in admin.google.com > groups > "group name" > settings, there "Publish posts" tick "External". See https://support.google.com/a/thread/63946400/cannot-set-who-can-post-permissions-to-anyone-on-the-web-for-new-groups?hl=en&msgid=70496603 .

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