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How do I use an array with a value with a single quote in a MySQL query?

mysql_query("INSERT INTO objects(objId, objectId, objectCategory, SortOrder, Name) VALUES('{$obj_id}', '{$object_id}', '{$object_category}', '{$sortorder}', 'My " . $objecta['Name'] . "')")or die(mysql_error()); 

This code fails when $objecta['Name'] has a single quote in it. I can't seem to be able to quote everything so that it works even if $objecta['Name'] has a single quote in it.

Two things:

1) You should escape your input. mysql_real_escape_string($objecta['Name']) This ensures that things like the ' character are escaped, ie \\' which allows the insert to happen.

2) mysql_* extension is deprecated and you should really at least use mysqli_* or pdo or another database driver. Using prepared statements in one of these other database drivers accomplishes the same as what I said above.

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