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How to get only one element from an array (firebase database, nodejs)

If I use limitToLast(1) , then I still get an object, with one key-value pair. To get the value, I use this code:

db.ref('/myarray').limitToLast(1).once('value').then(function(snapshot) {

    var result = snapshot.val();
    var lastElem;
    var lastKey;

    for(var i in result) {
        lastElem= result[i];
        lastKey = i;



It works, but I think I do it wrong. But haven't found any better solution in the docs. How should I load only one element?

The database looks like this: 排列

When using Firebase queries to get children, use the "child_added" event:

  .orderByKey() // order by chlidren's keys
  .limitToLast(1) // only get the last child
  .once("child_added", function(snapshot) {
    var key = snapshot.key;
    var val = snapshot.val();

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