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Constant prefix for url

I am trying to add a constant prefix for an url, so I did:

import angular from 'angular';
import Home from './home/home';
import Login from './login/login';

let componentModule = angular.module('app.components', [
]).constant('apiv1', 'http://localhost:56202/api/')


export default componentModule;

Then, I write the following in the controller:

class LoginController {
  static $inject = ['$http'];   

  constructor($http) {
    this.$http = $http;
    this.name = 'login';

  login(user) {
    this.$http.get(apiv1 + 'clients').then(function (response) {

export default LoginController;

But it gives me:

angular.js:14324 ReferenceError: apiv1 is not defined at LoginController.login

I tried to putting the entire url in the controller and it is working, but I want to manipulate a particular url prefix for my app.

Inject apiv1 constant in the same way you've injected $http . See angular Dependency Injection documentation.

 class LoginController { static $inject = ['apiv1', '$http']; constructor(apiv1, $http) { this.$http = $http; this.apiv1 = apiv1; this.name = 'login'; } login(user) { console.log(user.name); console.log(user.password); this.$http.get(this.apiv1 + 'clients').then(function (response) { console.log(response.data); }); } } 

To use a constant (or service, factory, provider, etc.) you've registered you must inject it into your controller. ie add apiv1 to your controller's constructor

class LoginController {
  static $inject = ['$http', 'apiv1'];   

  constructor($http, apiv1) {
    this.$http = $http;
    this.apiv1 = apiv1;
    this.name = 'login';

  login(user) {
    this.$http.get(this.apiv1 + 'clients').then(function (response) {

export default LoginController;

Please consider that angular dependency resolution is legacy , meaning, that where it does not contribute to automatic data-binding and scope resolution - it should not be used. As you are already using ES6, it is a matter of:

/* your Config */
export const API_V1 = 'http://localhost:56202/api/'
/* your Controller */
import { API_V1 } from 'your-config'
/* your server call */

This will save from superfluous injections, code noise and ease your path to future upgrades.

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