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How to update already registered service Castle Windsor

I'm a beginner to the DI containers.

I'm using third party framework and it has a class like below

public class PurchaseOrderAppService : IPurchaseOrderAppService, IAutoRegister
        private readonly IEmail _email;

        public PurchaseOrderAppService(IEmail email)
            _email = email;

All classes that inherits IAutoRegister interface are automatically registered by the third party framework. Email class is like below

public class Email : IEmail, IAutoRegister
    public Send(string message)
        //Send a message

What I want is that I want PurchaseOrderAppService class to use another class called MyEmail instead of Email.

public class MyEmail : IEmail
    public Send(string message)
        //Send a message another way

How can I update already registered service by framework?


Thanks @Thuan,

In the second link, there is method named ServiceOverrides which is obsoleted, and I could use DependsOn instead,

    .DependsOn(Dependency.OnComponent(typeof(IEmail), "Email.MyEmail")));

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