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How can i connecting two different web forms in C#?

I'm working on my school project in which I need to build up one original web application. But I got an error when I tried to connect two web forms in my project. I have no idea what's wrong about it, and I have looked at many video instruction sources showing how to do it, and still I have the same error. Here is what I have done.

First, I created a web from and named it MainForm and also I made another one and named TestForm1 . Then, I put a button on TestForm1 aspx file, double-clicked the button to call the cs file, and there I coded

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    MainForm newWindow = new MainForm();

Here, an error comes up and I see a red line under "Show" The error says

MainFor1 does not contain a definition for "Show," and no extension method accepting a first argument of type "MainForm" could be found.

What is wrong about my code? I just simply made two forms and am trying to connect them. Please tell me how I can handle this problem.

Sorry for my bad English, since I'm not a native speaker. And Thank you in advance.


 <asp:Button ID="Button3" runat="server" Text="Button" PostBackUrl="anotherpage.aspx" />

To show a new Page (not a Form!) means that you want the Web Browser to open a new URL. This can be done in many ways, and the way closest to your orignal code is this:

protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

A Redirect literally tells the browser: please go to another URL. The browser then makes a new http request with the new URL, and the server then shows that page.

You need to use Server.Transfer() , method Show() can't be used in WebForms. Probably You are wrong WinFroms with WebForms.

  Server.Transfer("TestForm1.aspx", true);

Here you find introduction to ASP.NET and Web Forms

Summary: This article explains how Web Forms are fundamental to Microsoft ASP.NET, shows how to build a Web form, and discusses the controls essential for building a Web Form. (16 printed pages)


  • Learn about Web Forms
  • Learn the Web controls that are built into Web Forms
  • Build a Web Form

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