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Why this code does not generate an ambigous call error?

I have written a MyComplex class and overloaded the plus (+) operator as:

class MyComplex
        operator int() { return realPart; }
        MyComplex(int r, int i=0)
                realPart = r;
                imaginaryPart = i;

    int operator +(int i) { return imaginaryPart+i; }
        int realPart, imaginaryPart;

int main()
        MyComplex c(5, 4);
        cout << c+10 << "\n"; // Why is this not ambiguous?

I thought the expression c+10 could be interpreted either as an attempt to add two integers ( c in c+10 would be demoted to an integer using the conversion operator operator int() ) or as an overload operator call through the overload operator function int operator +(int i) . But the program compiled without any errors and produced the output as 14. How?

When we figure out what c+10 means, we do a process called overload resolution, which starts by finding all the viable candidates through name lookup.

The viable candidates in this case are:

MyComplex::operator+(MyComplex&, int); // via c.operator+(10)
::operator+(int, int);                 // via c.operator int() + 10

We then look at which conversion sequence is better. For the first overload, no conversions are necessary - c is an Exact Match for MyComplex and 10 is an Exact Match for int . For the second overload, the second argument is an exact match but the first argument has to undergo a user-defined conversion via MyComplex::operator int() .

Exact Match has higher rank than Conversion, so the first overload is preferred.

Note that if instead your MyComplex::operator+() took a long (for example), then the call would be ambiguous. Each overload would have one better and one worse conversion sequence.

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