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Group Id and package name in Eclipse java web application using maven

I plan to create a java web application project in Eclipse using maven-archetype-webapp . Suppose the project will have two packages:

  1. com.joe.config
  2. com.joe.site

What should I put in the "Group Id" and "package" when I create the project?

Should I input com.joe as the Group Id? If so, what should I put in the package section?

(When I type in the "group id" and "artifact id" , the package section automatically combine GroupId and artifact ).

groupId will identify your project uniquely across all projects, so you need to enforce a naming schema. eg: com.joe can be your groupid Maven doesn't care what package names you use. Further details can be found in the following link. https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-naming-conventions.html

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