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Debugging Maven Web Application on already installed Glassfish using eclipse

My problem is with respect to debugging web application on an already installed glassfish using eclipse.

If I create a web project using eclipse then eclipse will let be deploy and debug application on an already installed glassfish application server. However, if I have created a web project using maven archetype, eclipse does not let me debug the application.

I can use maven's jetty or tomcat plugin and debug the application but I need to debug application on an already installed glassfish. Basically I have followings 1) Web application created using maven archetype 2) Eclipse IDE 3) Glassfish which is already installed outside of Eclipse IDE

I came across maven's glassfish plugin but as far as I understood it is not for debugging the application.

Please let me know your suggestions.


If I create a web project using eclipse then eclipse will let be deploy and debug application on an already installed glassfish application server. However, if I have created a web project using maven archetype, eclipse does not let me debug the application.

This is not true. Whether you use the Maven Eclipse Plugin (which provides WTP support ) or m2eclipse (with the optional Maven Integration for WTP installed from the m2eclipse Extras ), you can deploy a project created outside Eclipse to an existing " Server " (that you can start in Debug mode), as long as you imported it appropriately ( Import... > Existing Project into Workspace if you use the former, Import... > Maven Projects if you use the later).

Basically I have followings 1) Web application created using maven archetype 2) Eclipse IDE 3) Glassfish which is already installed outside of Eclipse IDE

I use the same setup with several projects with no problem (and can debug them on my locally installed GlassFish server).

I came across maven's glassfish plugin but as far as I understood it is not for debugging the application.

There is no need for extra Maven plugins, you can just rely on your IDE if you follow the right steps.

I don't know about eclipse, but IntelliJ IDEA has a remote debug feature. You start your server with something like

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5055

and then the IDE will connect to that port and you'll have a regular debug.

I'm sure eclipse has this feature.

EDIT: This article shows how to use this feature with eclipse.

I´m going to write it most for me in order to keep trace of my solution:

If you are using the maven.failsafe plugin just force the execution of glassfish internally the current JVM started by maven avoiding the fork with the parameter


in such way you are able to debug both test and server from the usual way, ie. running a debug task from eclipse and setting break points both in test and in server side.

Extra parameter information could be found here, including setting different debug port:


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