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Excel split everything between characters

I have a column with the following data

Komponenten > Finishing Kit > Sättel

Komponenten > Schaltung & Antrieb > Kettenschaltungen > Schaltwerke

Zubehör > Training & Leistung > Heimtrainer & Rollentrainer > Heimtrainer & Rollentrainer Ersatzteile & Zubehör

I want to keep the text before the first > and keep the entry after the last > (I've bolded the examples above)

This is tricky because some examples have 3 > and some have 4 >

Using formulas, you can get the first item this way:

=LEFT(A1, SEARCH(">",A1,1)-1)

and the last item this way:


where the string you are looking at is in A1.

Credit: Microsoft Support

First Item:

=TRIM(LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,">",REPT(" ",99)),99))

Last Item:

=TRIM(RIGHT(SUBSTITUTE(A1,">",REPT(" ",99)),99))

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