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Split a string between two specific characters in Excel

I have a spreadsheet with more than 2000 rows and each row appears as below. I've pasted 2 rows :

ROW 1 CA WAAE JOB: "abc_def__ghijkl_mnop_qrst_c" JOBSET: "abc_def__ghijkl_mnop_qrst_b"   
ROW 2 CA WAAE JOB: "mon_bus_xyz_ff_kkkkk_abcdef_uvwx_b" JOBSET:"mon_bus_xyz_ff_kkkkk_abcdef_uvwx_b"  

I want to copy the data present between the first set of "" ie abc_def__ghijkl_mnop_qrst_c and mon_bus_xyz_ff_kkkkk_abcdef_uvwx_b and pasted them into another column. Would it be possible to do this?



Assuming your cell is A1, following formula will take 2 strings between (") and put them into one cell separated with "-".

=LEFT(SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("""",A1)),""" JOBSET: """," - "),LEN(SUBSTITUTE(RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("""",A1)),""" JOBSET: """," - "))-1)


=RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("""",A1)) - Remove all characters from left until first (") character. =SUBSTITUTE(A1,""" JOBSET: """," - ") - Substitute "JOBSET:" with a dash charachter "-". =LEFT(A1,LEN(A1)-1) - Drop the last (") character.

Nesting all into one formula is given above. Output:

abc_def__ghijkl_mnop_qrst_c - abc_def__ghijkl_mnop_qrst_b

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