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Spring boot test - PowerMockito to mock and stub constructor

Using Spring boot starter test for testing my application but I am using third party library. Lets suppose we have a class TRequest and it has some constructor and I want to mock and stub that constructor to return the result.

public class TestClass {

TRequest trequest ; 

public void setUp() throws Exception {


Now when I am trying to create the constructor using new, it is not returning the correct stubbed result.

  TRequest trequest1 = new TRequest("apiKey","secretKey") ; 
  trequest.equals(trequest1) ; // false but I want it to be true

Have used a jackson third party lib to test with. - getting ClassLoader exceptions because of PowerMock though.

public class TestPowerMockito {

    ObjectMapper object;

    public void init() throws Exception {

    public void test() {
        assertEquals(object, new ObjectMapper());


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