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Delete entity with Composite Key by Primary Key

I have 4 tables.

Country (id, name), CountryType (id, name), Client (id, name) and Country_CountryType_Client relation Table (country_id, countryType_id, client_id).

Here is my Country class :

        intoPackage = "*.builder")

@Table(name = "MD_COUNTRY")   
        name = "SEQ_MD_COUNTRY",
        sequenceName = "SEQ_MD_COUNTRY",
        allocationSize = 1)
public class Country implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3313476149373055743L;
    private Long md_country_id;
    private String nameKey;
    private List<CountryCountryTypeClient> cCTypeClients;

            generator = "SEQ_MD_COUNTRY")
            name = "MD_COUNTRY_ID")
    public Long getMd_country_id() {
        return md_country_id;

    public void setMd_country_id(Long md_country_id) {
        this.md_country_id = md_country_id;

    @Column(name = "MD_COUNTRY_NAME_KEY")
    public String getNameKey() {
        return this.nameKey;

    public void setNameKey(String name) {
        this.nameKey = name;

    public List<CountryCountryTypeClient> getCountryCountryTypeClient() {
        return cCTypeClients;

    public void setCountryCountryTypes(List<CountryCountryTypeClient> countryCountryTypeClient) {
        this.cCTypeClient = countryCountryTypeClient;
/* ... hashCode and equals methods..*/

The CountryType and Client classes look the same.

Here is my CountryCountryTypeClient class :

        intoPackage = "*.builder")
    @AssociationOverride(name= "pk.country",
            joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name = "COUNTRY_ID")),
            joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name = "COUNTRY_TYPE_ID")),
            joinColumns=@JoinColumn(name = "CLIENT_ID"))
public class CountryCountryTypeClient implements Serializable{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -879391903880384781L;

    private CountryCountryTypeClientPK pk = new CountryCountryTypeClientPK();

    public CountryCountryTypeClient() {}

    public CountryCountryTypeClientPK getPk() {
        return pk;

    public void setPk(CountryCountryTypeClientPK pk) {
        this.pk = pk;

    public Country getCountry(){
        return getPk().getCountry();

    public void setCountry(Country country) {

    public CountryType getCountryType(){
        return getPk().getCountryType();

    public void setCountryType(CountryType countryType) {

    public Client getClient() {
        return getPk().getClient();

    public void setClient(Client client) {

/* ... hashCode and equals ... */

Here is my CountryCountryTypeClientPK class :

public class CountryCountryTypeClientPK implements Serializable {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = -3934592006396010170L;

    private Country country;
    private CountryType countryType;
    private Client client;

    public CountryCountryTypeClientPK() {}

    public Country getCountry() {
        return country;
    public void setCountry(Country country) {
        this.country = country;

    public CountryType getCountryType() {
        return countryType;
    public void setCountryType(CountryType countryType) {
        this.countryType = countryType;

    public Client getClient() {
        return client;
    public void setClient(Client client) {
        this.client = client;

/*... hashCode and equals methods ..*/

My CountryCountryTypeClientRepository class :

public interface CountryCountryTypeRepository extends JpaRepository<CountryCountryTypeClient, CountryCountryTypeClientPK> {}

For my Country class I have CountryService class with saveCountry method :

public Country saveCountry(final Country dtoCountry) {
        //save NEW Country
            de.bonprix.global.masterdata.model.Country modelWithoutID = convertToModel(dtoCountry);

            for (CountryCountryTypeClient cCTypeClient : modelWithoutID.getCountryCountryTypeClients()) {
        return convertToDTO(this.countryRepository.saveAndFlush(modelWithoutID));

        //save EDITED Country       
        else if (!(dtoCountry.getId()==null)){
            de.bonprix.global.masterdata.model.Country modelWithID = convertToModel(dtoCountry);

            for (CountryCountryTypeClient cCTypeClient : modelWithID.getCountryCountryTypeClients()) {
            return convertToDTO(this.countryRepository.saveAndFlush(modelWithID));
        return null;

The question is: How can I delete all rows from my Country_CountryType_Client Table by Country_ID. Not by PK, but by Country_ID. When I am saving the country in my Country Table, the Country_CountryType_Client is automatically updated with corresponding values.

Small example , just to clear the current problem. In my Country_CountryType_Client Table now I have this.


And now I want to save the NewCountry that has all the same relation except the last row (298-2-9). My NewCountry dont know nothing about (298-2-9 relation). Before saving I have to delete all rows that have 298 id.

Hope the problem is clear.

I don't really understand the issue. Seems like all you really want to do is remove a single CountryCountryTypeClient from the Country with identifier 298.

Therefore if you were to update your mapping in as outlined in the following:


 @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER,mappedBy="pk.country",cascade=CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true)
    public List<CountryCountryTypeClient> getCountryCountryTypeClient() {
        return cCTypeClients;

You can then simply do as follows:

Country country = // the country with id 298
CountryCountryTypeClient client = // the client with id 298/2/9

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