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display selection from sql select field in html

I have created a form which includes a select field where users can select a date for a delivery, the code below pulls information from a sql table which stores the available delivery dates. The problem i have is that im not sure how to display the selected date in a text box once they have made their selection (im sure this is simple code but my skills are basic!)

    <select id="test" name="test">
        $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","id294054_mike_butcher","delivery1");
        $DB = mysql_select_db('id294054_delivery');
        $test = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM test WHERE selected is null");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($test)){
        echo '<option value="'. $row['value'] .'">'. $row['date'] .'</option>';
Here is working example

    <select id="test" name="test" onchange="updateInput(this.value)">
        $connect = mysql_connect("localhost","id294054_mike_butcher","delivery1");
        $DB = mysql_select_db('id294054_delivery');
        $test = mysql_query("SELECT date FROM test WHERE selected is null");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($test)){
        echo '<option value="'. $row['value'] .'">'. $row['date'] .'</option>';
    <input type="text" id="textInput" name="date" />

    function updateInput(ish){
        document.getElementById("textInput").value = ish;

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