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Why is code in AJAX success call is not working?

I have an AJAX script to insert data from a form to MySQL database. This is the AJAX.


    data = $(this).serialize();

    type: "POST",
    url: "<?php echo site_url('con_product/ins_product'); ?>",
    data: data
    }).success(function() {
        alert("Products list is ready to be printed");
        window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/print_product'); ?>","_blank");
        window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/form_product'); ?>","_self");

The AJAX script successfully insert data from the form to database. But somehow, the script on success is not working. Why?

The behavior of this AJAX are:

  • Insert data to database - success
  • Show alert
  • Open new page for print purpose.
  • Refresh current page to a new form.

The success is the name of the callback function and not the promise .

You should use:

    type: "POST",
    url: "<?php echo site_url('con_product/ins_product'); ?>",
    data: data,
    success: function() {
        alert("Products list is ready to be printed");
        window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/print_product'); ?>","_blank");
        window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/form_product'); ?>","_self");

Or the done promise:

    type: "POST",
    url: "<?php echo site_url('con_product/ins_product'); ?>",
    data: data
}).done(function() {
    alert("Products list is ready to be printed");
    window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/print_product'); ?>","_blank");
    window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/form_product'); ?>","_self");

I'm not sure if there is .success function. But you can try this:

    type: "POST",
    url: "<?php echo site_url('con_product/ins_product'); ?>",
    data: data,
    success: function(){
        alert("Products list is ready to be printed");
        window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/print_product'); ?>","_blank");
        window.open("<?php echo site_url('con_product/form_product'); ?>","_self");

According to http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/

Deprecation Notice: The jqXHR.success(), jqXHR.error(), and jqXHR.complete() callbacks are removed as of jQuery 3.0. You can use jqXHR.done(), jqXHR.fail(), and jqXHR.always() instead.

What if your replace success with done ?

Otherwise, success should be a property of the object you throw into $.ajax({...}) with the anonymous function as its value.

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