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In selenium, how do I access the second image element with the same class name, without using XPath?

I am making some reusable methods that locate image elements within a page. I cannot locate by XPath as the XPath will be different on each one of the pages. Preferably, I would like to be able to access them by src but not sure if this is possible. C#. The code below shows two image elements. I am trying to access the second.

<span id="tube">        <img class="mode-icon" title="Train: Tube" height="42" alt="Tube" src="/images/Tube.png">  </span>

<span id="Overground">  <img class="mode-icon" title="Train: Overground" height="42" alt="Overground" src="/images/Overground.png"> </span>

First of all you should differentiate absolute XPath (fixed, eg html/div/div/.../div/img ) and relative XPath (flexible, eg //div/img[@id="some_img_id"] ). Good relative XPath could match required element on several pages

If you want to match target img with src attribute value, then you can use following XPath :

string imgSrc = "/images/Overground.png";
string imgXpath = String.Format("//img[@src = {0}]", imgSrc);

Same XPath expression you can use for any value of imgSrc

If you want to access using src attribute then

Using CSSSelector -


using XPath


If it is fix that you have only 2 image tag in you page then you can use indexing as well -


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