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XPath for an element with same class names

Can anyone help me to derive the xpath (from second div the span element label which is GP)

 <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom pure-u-1-5"> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-component-container ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-component-left-bordered ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom" aria-label="Visit Info" role="group"><div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-summary" aria-hidden="false"> </div> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail" aria-label="" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-field"> <span class=" " aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class=" ohp-metadata-label">Location</span> <span class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-row-value-icon " aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class=" ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-value">Tauranga Hospital - Assmt Plan Unit TAU - </span> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom pure-u-1-5"> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-component-container ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-component-left-bordered ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom" aria-label="GP Info" role="group"><div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-summary" aria-hidden="false"> </div> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail" aria-label="" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-field"> <span class=" " aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class=" ohp-metadata-label">GP</span> <span class="ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-row-value-icon " aria-hidden="true"></span> <span class=" ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-value">-</span> </div> </div> </div> </div>

My XPath which i wrote it work for the first div and it return the value Location :

.//*[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail']/div[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-field']/span[@class=' ohp-metadata-label']



then you can use gettext() to get GP as a text

Try this XPath-1.0 expression:

//*[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail']/div[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-field' and span[@class=' ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-value']='-']/span[@class=' ohp-metadata-label']

Its result is:


  1. programmatic solution:

your xpath actually does return both elements:

XPath 结果

in your selenium lib you receive most likely an array and can select the second element of it

  1. select the second element:

if its always the second element adding a [2] to the xpath helps eg "(.//*[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail'])[2]/div[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-custom-field']/span[@class=' ohp-metadata-label']"

  1. by a fixed text

If you have some text in the page that is fixed, eg Location you can use that as reference and then using ancestor and sibling axes

".//span[.='Location']//ancestor::div[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail']//following-sibling::div[@class='ohg-patient-banner-suppl-info-section-detail']//span[@class=' ohp-metadata-label']"

Since you don't have other unique identifiers, and the class name is used by 2 spans, this is how you can identify that span based on its index, and is the shortest way:

xpath:  (//span[@class=' ohp-metadata-label'])[2]

Now you can scrape the text by using selenium getText() method. Note that we used index 2 to identify your locator, but if html code will change, and new similar spans will be added before this one, you will need to change the index.

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