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How to set custom Feign client connection timeout?

I have Spring Boot application with this Gradle dependencies:


Also I have Feign client:

@FeignClient(name = "client")
public interface FeignService {

    @RequestMapping(value = "/path", method = GET)
    String response();


My application.properties :

client.ribbon.listOfServers = http://localhost:8081

When query time is more than 1 second I get exception:

com.netflix.hystrix.exception.HystrixRuntimeException: response timed-out and no fallback available.

So my question is: how can I set custom Feign client connection timeout? For example to 2 seconds.

I solved my problem using this answer on question: Hystrix command fails with “timed-out and no fallback available” .

I added hystrix.command.default.execution.isolation.thread.timeoutInMilliseconds=4000 to my application.properties to set custom timeout.

You can be configured timeout using configuration properties on application.yaml file:

        connectTimeout: 5000
        readTimeout: 5000

Notice that this will change your default feign configuration, if you want to update the timeouts just for your client replace default with the name configured in @FeignClient in your case it will be client , another thing is that you must specify both connectTimeout and readTimeout for this to take effect.

For more detail see this: documentation

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