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Autocomplete doesn't work with mysql

Okay I am using prepared statement to get all the cities.

this is my php file

include_once '../includes/db_connect.php';
$search = $_GET['term'];
if($stmtgetstore = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM cities WHERE city LIKE '%$search%'"))
    $getstore = $stmtgetstore->get_result();
    echo $mysqli->error;
$array = array();

$json = '[';
$first = true;
while($store = $getstore->fetch_assoc())
    if (!$first) { $json .=  ','; } else { $first = false; }
    $json .= '{"value":"'.$store['city'].'"}';
$json .= ']';


And this is my script and html

<script type="text/javascript">
        source: "scripts/search_store_by_city.php",
        minLength: 2
    })/*.data( "autocomplete" )._renderItem = function( ul, item ) 
      return $( "<li></li>" )
      .data( "item.autocomplete", item )
      .append( item.city )
      .appendTo( ul );

  <div class="container">

    <form action="" method="GET">
      <input type="text" id="autoCity">


But somehow when I enter letters in textbox I see no result coming in console and no error also but when I run query in database it gives me rows

This query

SELECT * FROM cities WHERE city LIKE '%Kara%'

Any idea what me doing wrong?

Okay I forgot to echo my json at the end of the script

include_once '../includes/db_connect.php';
$search = $_GET['term'];
if($stmtgetstore = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT * FROM cities WHERE city LIKE '%$search%'"))
$getstore = $stmtgetstore->get_result();
echo $mysqli->error;
$array = array();

$json = '[';
$first = true;
while($store = $getstore->fetch_assoc())
if (!$first) { $json .=  ','; } else { $first = false; }
$json .= '{"value":"'.$store['city'].'"}';
$json .= ']';
echo $json;


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