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I want to store a 2d Char array into an ArrayList

First of all, I have checked previous posts and still could not find an answer. So here is my question: I want to store a 2d char array showing a specific state of a chess board (for example the starting state) into an ArrayList . An example of a state would be:


How would I store this state (being a 2d char array called chessBoard) into an ArrayList called chessState?

The names do not matter but I thought it would help to provide any help you can.

My previous attempts have gotten me "C@22e7c30e" in my output.

Thank you for any help offered!

Why don't you make a class ChessState containing the 2D Char Array and then make a an arraylist of those states?

public class ChessState {

public class Chess {

ArrayList<ChessState> = ...

ArrayList<char[][]> ChessState= new ArrayList<char[][]>();

Generally you can put whatever you like in an array . If you want more information about the chessboard do it with an object. The code above should work for a 2d char array.

public char[][] possibleChessMove = new char[8][8];

ArrayList<char[][]> storeMoves = new ArrayList<>();

and after filling the possibleChessMove to the starting board state I did this:


                        for (int i=0;i<storeMoves.size();i++ ) {
                            for (int j=0;j<8;j++) {
                                for (int k=0;k<8;k++) {
                                    System.out.print(storeMoves.get(i)[j][k]+" ");


Originally the question I asked was how do I store them, because I did think I was storing them wrong. But in the end the way I was printing it was incorrect.

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