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My Server is up but when I try to connect to it I am getting an error [Node.js]

I am following a tutorial on Node.js and I think I have done everything to the letter, I run my server (node web.js) and tried to connect to it but I am getting an error. My code is given below, I saw an answer to a similar question but I avoided the error there, I just don't know whats wrong. Please help!

var http = require("http");

function process_request(req, res) {
    var body = 'Thanks for calling!\n';
    var content_length = body.length;
    res.writeHead(200, {
        'Content-Length': content_length,
        'Content-Type': 'text/plain'

var s = http.createServer(process_request);

You need to write the content that you are sending back as a response. Add this after your res.writeHead() .


You didn't provide the error, but you could try a


Instead. Also confirm you're hitting http://localhost : 8080 / (assuming it's running on localhost).

You are creating content but not sending to client , using res.end you can do like

 res.write("Hello World");

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